Magnetic Flux
Magnetic flux is defined as the product of the average magnetic field times the perpendicular area it penetrates.
In case of magnetic flux orientation of the area vector is considered.
Area vector is considered as the amount of lines crossing an area also varies with the orientation of the area.
It is a scalar quantity.
Magnetic flux is denoted by ΦB or Φ.
I Unit- Weber (Wb).
Where 1Wb= 1Tesla x 1m2 (S.I. unit of B = Tesla and Area=m2)
G.S unit-Maxwell (Mx).Relationship between Weber and Maxwell is;1Wb=108Mx
ΦB = A
B=magnetic field vector, A= area vector
Area vector =In case of magnetic flux the amount of lines crossing an area varies with the orientation of the area.
ΦB = BA cos θ
Where θ=angle between magnetic field and area vector.
Direction of area vector is determined by the normal to the area vector.
Case 1: When the angle between the area vector and the magnetic field (θ)= 900.
Therefore, ΦB = 0 as cos900 =0.
Case 2: When the angle between the area vector and the magnetic field (θ)= 00.
Therefore,ΦB = BA as cos 0=1.