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What is computer

“A Computer is an electronic machine that can solve different problems, process data, store & retrieve data and perform calculations faster and efficiently than humans”.

Meaning of the word "Computer"

Computer is derived from a Latin word “computare” which means to “to calculate”,“to count”, “to sum up” or “to think together”. So, more precisely the word computer means a "device that performs computation".

Definition of Computer

A Computer is programmed device with a set of instructions to perform specific tasks and generate results at a very high speed.

Some interesting facts about computers & its Operating Systems

  • The first digital computers were developed between 1940 to 1945.

  • Konrad Zuse, In 1941 developed “Z3”, the first modern computing machine.

  • Konrad Zuse is regarded as “the inventor of computers”.

  • ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator & Computer) was the first US-built electronic computer.

  • ENIAC was developed by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert.

  • The world’s first stored-program computer was “Manchester Baby” developed in 1948.

  • The “Manchester Baby” was a small-scale experimental computer developed in Victoria university of Manchester.

  • In the 1st generation of computers, Computers were built with vacuum tubes.

  • In 1957, FORTRAN (Formula Translator) was introduced.

  • Computers were built with Transistors in the 2nd generation of computers.

  • In the 3rd generation of computers, Transistors were replaced with Integrated Circuits.

  • In the 4th generation of computers, Microprocessors were used to built Computers.

  • In 1981, IBM PC with Intel processors and MS-Dos were introduced.

  • In 1984, Macintosh Computers were introduced.

  • In 1985, Microsoft Windows GUI was introduced.

  • In 1989, Intel 486 computers were introduced.

  • In 1990, Windows 3.0 operating System for PCs was launched.

  • In 1991, the World Wide Web was introduced to the general public.

  • In 1991, Linux operating was developed.

  • In 1993, Intel’s Pentium was introduced.

  • In 1995, windows 95 operating system was made released.

  • In June, 1996 Windows 4.0 operating system was released.

  • On February 17, 2000, Windows 2000 was released.

  • Windows XP was released on 25th October, 2001.

  • On November 30th, 2006 Windows Vista was released.

  • On July 22nd 2009, Windows 7 was introduced.

  • On Windows 8, the successor of Windows 7 was released on October 28th, 2012.



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